I have the idea that that we make art, we inspire the scientists, inventors, to the humanity.
That's why I think art is and should continue to be indispensable to the education and development of the communities. 
The film that I like to see and also produce moving masses, creates feelings, worlds and audiovisual proposals very powerful. It is a film that remains, builds memory and imagination for the future and transcend the times.
is that not what what we're looking for artists?

My Semblance

He studied playwriting under the tutelage of Maria Alicia Martinez Medrano 1994-1999.

Producer and director of mexican Cinema, some of the productions in which he has participated are: “The Prize”, “The main actor” “The two Fridas”, “Pictures in the dark”, among others.

Has won various national and international awards, which is the Ariel de Oro for best film for “The Prize” in 2013, and the Silver Bear at the artistic contribution in the international Film Festival in Berlin, best film at the International Film Festival of Guadalajara and best film at the International film Festival of Morelia.

Founder and Rector of the University “Faculty ' Cinema, located in the City of Mexico.

With more than 15 years of experience as a teacher in the schools most important film in which highlights the International School of Cinema and Television of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba (EICTV) 

He has been an advisor and jury in different festivals and institutions such as the International Film Festival of Guadalajara, Telent Campus, International Film Festival of Cartagena, Films Afro, the Residence of Script ‘From the Root’, the Hall of Producers and Film Projects SAPCINE, New Looks, The International Film Festival of Havana, the Heritage Foundation Filmic Colombian among others; mentor in these institutions of projects from writing until the completion of the folders of production. 

Guardian of contests of pitch and of stimuli national script and film production. 

Speaker for different educational institutions at national and international level and has participated in various forums that promotes the artistic education in young people. 

Founder and Rector of the
Faculty of Cinema


To explore these productions, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the creative process (directors) and to experience the feelings that have led me to be a part of these films.

Holdings international
Production hours
0 k
Years of experience

Winner of the Ariel award of Gold

He has been honoured with awards and recognition most important of the film industry, national and international levels. 


Ariel de Oro for best film “Prize”.

Silver bear to the artistic contribution, Berlin Film Festival.

Best film “Award”, International Film Festival in Morelia.


Best film “award”, International Film Festival Guadalajara.

We can all be philanthropists

Let us help you!

I have had teachers in life that I was taught with a lot of love on philanthropy without knowing you were doing that act. After I got it when I started to help, too. Thanks to them and to them I am who I am. 

In the last few years I have carried out my work as a philanthropist helping so many young people and artists to achieve their dreams. Sometimes providing airline tickets, in other financial support to carry out studies or research projects, and in many cases, for the production of short films and the development of folders of film projects, among others. I've also been awarded a full scholarship to study film at the School of Cinema for 4 and a half years, using my own resources. I think that to the extent that we can all help. I think that's okay.
Thanks to the impulse that I share with many people, as I said one of my teachers, “I can save someone” and be a part of positive change in society.
Would you like to help or give a scholarship to someone to be able to study? 
Send me a message.
You know one of my teachers “Mary Alice Martinez Medrano”.
Creator of educational programs of higher level and promoter of books of literature related to the film.
Precursor of an economic stimulus directly to projects in development, with more than 25 projects supported at national and international level.


The transformation of the society through art

Beyond fees, and qualifications, I am one of those mexicans who walked the path of education, to whom life was granted the privilege of becoming a teacher.

Process: In preparation and search of allies for their production.
I present to you:Story of a couple of sons of bitches
Script and direction: Antanas Amador
Producer: Izrael Moreno
Producer: Israel Sailing
Antanas is a young director but very bold and artistic. 
With their work done convinced me to produce this film about an event between two brothers and her mother in the running of the bulls. 
Without a doubt, the pandemic took all the good and the bad of the society, this story is the second, the decomposition family orchestrated by one of its members, a young boy of just 16 who plans the murder of his mother and the seduction of his own brother.  
This topic is so rugged, it is told from the naturalness of life, the look of Antanas is honest and bold without being morbid. 
I am sure that this film will travel the whole world, join the team. 
Knows his job and go because it's worth it to go for it (visit the link)
Contact me
David and Alberto are two twin brothers of 16 years, who are in the care of his mother in a vegetative state in the pandemic of 2020. As was the case of many families who were forced to interact and live together. 
The intellectual awakening and sexual Alberto leads to maintain the order of the day; climb up and down to his mother to feed him, provide you with your medication, be aware of it, each finished time, take her to the bathroom, change clothes, watch tv, learn to drive in the garage and erotizarse to smell the clothes of your brother gay. Although they are twins, Alberto becomes the dominant brother in the household decision-making. 
The disappointment of listening to voice messages from the cell phone of his mother leads to violent acts that are learning to develop, from supply incorrectly the medication, suggest that you do not bath as often to plan your murder.

Coproduces with me

Making a movie requires you to build alliances, artistic and passionate about the film. 
The projects that I am developing will be part of the new and powerful Ibero-american film. 
I invite you to be part of the team and that together bring to the film industry projects-deep and high-quality but also entertaining and endearing. Join as a co-producer(a).